About the Presenter: President and CEO of the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, Brian Kennedy earned his Ph.D. at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His graduate work led to the discovery that sirtuins— enzymes coordinating cell metabolism—...
(May 4, 2010) Thomas Rando and Anne Brunet provide a general overview on the process and potential prevention of aging. The topics they cover vary from symptoms of aging to unusual characteristics that seem to prolong longevity. During the final quarte...
While environment and family history are factors in healthy aging, genetic variants play a critical and complex role in conferring exceptional longevity, according to a new study by a team of researchers from the Boston University Schools of Public Hea...
This is a 'YOUSEARXCH 'SUPPORT' and 'FEEDER' channel providing 'GENERAL' 'FREE' and easy 'ACCESS' to 'QUALITY' 'NEWS', 'CURRENT EVENTS' 'LECTURES and other important and interesting 'INFORMATION largely ignored by the mainstream medi...
Walter Nieri, MD, director of the Center for Healthy Aging at Banner Sun Health Research Institute in Sun City, Ariz., and study participants share how the comprehensive Longevity Study: Learning from our Elders is identifying the varied psychosocial, ...
Mole rats live up to three times longer than similar species and tend to stay healthy up until the end. Now researchers believe they may be closer to knowing why. It only makes sense that to unlock the secrets of living a long, healthy life one would e...
Explore Research at the University of Florida: Keith Choe, a biologist and researcher at the University of Florida, discusses his work with nematodes and the significance of their impact on genetic pathway research.
The Demography of Longevity - The 2012 Alberto Dondena Lecture. Bocconi University, 14 May 2012. Guest Speaker: James W. Vaupel (Founding Director, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research). After discussing the history of thinking about limits to...
http://www.globalchange.com Science of ageing. How to stop getting old. Medical research into physiology of ageing. How cells get old. Tissue regeneration of heart, muscle, retina, spine, brain and other organs. Repair of tissue damage. Organ regenerat...
Paul Spiegel, Board Member of the International Longevity Alliance speaks of promoting longevity research on the International Day of the Older Persons, October 1, 2014 Brussels