Epigenetics and Your Genome: Development, Disease and Behavior Daniel Simola, PhD, Research Associate in the Laboratory of Dr. Shelley L. Berger at the University of Pennsylvania An overview of epigenetic mechanisms, highlighting their importance in a ...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Social interactions alter DNA (‘epigenetics’). Revealing how her own gender transition led her down the path of epigenetics, Scientist Karissa Sanbonmatsu takes u...
Charlotte Ling associate professor at Lund University Diabetes Centre. Diabetologia March 2013.
Through the research of Dr. Lipton and other leading-edge scientists, stunning new discoveries have been made about the interaction between your mind and body and the processes by which cells receive information. It shows that genes and DNA do not cont...
By now most of us know gene expression can be upregulated or downregulated by molecular factors including the metabolites of drugs, chemicals and nutrition. But what are the implications of this environmentally labile landscape, not only for our somati...
Have you ever wondered why your heart cell is different from your brain cell, when they both contain the same DNA? The answer is Epigenetics! Epigenetics is the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alterat...
The Mitochondria are a component of the cell called an 'organelle'. This organelle is the site for the production of something called ATP. ATP is involved in the production of raw energy. Many patients with chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encepha.....
Science Help at Brightstorm! http://brightstorm.com/science The structure of mitochondrian.
Describes how the healing process and retardation of progressive multiple sclerosis may occur. The process of how the destruction of myelin tissue causes the lack of function such as walking, standing, movement to not happen. The regeneration of myelin...
how proteins get to the mitochondria