Why Telomeres are the Cellular "Fountain of Youth"? | The Longevity Revolution | Mobile

http://www.thenewhealthconversation.tv Dr. Bill Andrews - Scientist is in our studio with Peter Greenlaw - Author, Public Speaker and Coach Steve Toth Host, Moderator having a dialogue about Why Telomeres are the Cellular Fountain of Youth? Telomeres a... [Mobile]

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Why Telomeres are the Cellular "Fountain of Youth"?

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Published by: WebTV
Date: 05/28/2015 | Views: 10
http://www.thenewhealthconversation.tv Dr. Bill Andrews - Scientist is in our studio with Peter Greenlaw - Author, Public Speaker and Coach Steve Toth Host, Moderator having a dialogue about Why Telomeres are the Cellular "Fountain of Youth"? Telomeres are the protective caps at the ends of our chromosomes that work much like the plastic caps at the end of a shoelace. Recent research has shown that telomere "shortening" plays an important role in human disease and mortality. About Dr. Bill Andrews: he is one of the world's leading geneticists, discusses how to live healthier longer, and the latest breakthroughs in reversing the aging process.He is the President and CEO of Sierra Sciences. He has been featured in Popular Science, The Today Show and numerous documentaries on the topic of life extension. http://www.consciousevolutionmedia.com

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