The truth about RDA's from a qualified doctor. http://www.thelongevityrevolution.com/shop
http://www.ihealthtube.com How are they different? Dr. Michael Farley talks about the difference and how treatments are then different. Dr. Farley says it basically comes down to treating symptoms versus treating cause.
We have created an insidious culture, whereby many people think they'll be 'fixed' by the Pharma drugs! This is absolute BS! What people may not know is that each cell in their body (there's between 50-100 trillion) has a 'shopping list' and this...
After years of standard medical treatment that masked symptoms, failed to address the root problem and caused dangerous side effects, InfoWarrior Glynn Trolz took charge of his own health. Stay in the know - Follow Alex on Twitter: https://twitter.com/...
You probably don't think twice about getting vaccines, after all, they're supposed to help you prevent disease and promote health, right? Dr. Sherri Tenpenny discusses some things you probably didn't know about what is actually getting injected into...
Click The Link To Learn More - http://diseasefreezone.com (instant download) - Scientifically proven alternative cure for cancer and virtually all diseases. More than 15,000 European doctors and health practitioners use this to heal millions of patient...
I have exposed that the elite powerful Illuminati that control the systems of this world also have a grip on our medical system. The medical system today that is owned and operated by this sick satanic elite class of power hungry psychopaths who do NOT...
INFOWARS LIFE-MAKE A HEALTHY CHANGE TODAY! http://www.infowarsshop.com/-Infowars-Life_c_79.html Alex and Pharmacist Ben Fuchs take calls from listeners about the facts regarding iodine and health, blood toxicity and how nutrition has gone by the waysid...
Dr David Healy, a psychiatrist, psychopharmacologist and scientist who's been described as the doctor big pharma can't shut up, joins us live for a discussion about how the pharmaceutical industry works. Data manipulation, cherry-picking evidence and.....
Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway criticized the Food and Drug Administration's cozy relationship with pharmaceutical companies, saying that the agency has at times allowed its drug approval process to be hijacked. Conway's comments came during a.....